Author Blog, Author Interview, Erotica, Science Fiction, Steamy Romance

Interview with Tabitha Rayne

As we gear up for this amazing event, I’ll be bringing you author interviews so you can get to know the attending authors in more detail! There are lots and lots of authors for you to discover, not to mention, hundreds if not thousands of books! Why not grab a cuppa and sit back and relax! All while hearing more about our writers and their writing lives, inspirations – and maybe even a secret or two!

What is the first thing people should know about you?
I am a creative with ADHD which means I use all sorts of media to get my ideas out. From designing sex toys, to editing to film making, sometimes writing is the best fit for a story, sometimes it might be a sculpture. I’m bringing my BRAND NEW range of grinders, Ruby Glow Rides to AATA!

Tell me which genre or trope you are most well-known for writing.
Erotic romance from pure filth to sweet love and philosophical musings.

What is one thing people don’t know about you?
I make films about mental health in my ‘spare’ time 😀

Name a book you’ve written that you wish more people had read, and why.
The Clockwork Butterfly Trilogy – I wish more folk would read it as it has the best ending to a story ever in the world 😀 not joking! I always want to blurt out what happens – but you’ve got three books to get through before you find out – it’s sooooo tantalising for me! And my very first book called The Device, the Devil and Me which isn’t erotic but explores mental health and I think it will make you feel less alone if you experience the things the lead character does…

What is your favourite book (not your own), and why?
Beloved by Toni Morrison was the first book I read where I was completely transported by the lyricism of the words. It was more like a dance than a read, sometimes I couldn’t decipher what was going on but the way it wound and moved in my brain made me feel secure that it didn’t matter, just go with it and feel the story. I hope that makes sense. I’ve just read Black Rabbit Hall by Eve Chase which really drew me in and fully absorbed me.

Was there a book you wrote that broke you and made you feel like you’d never write again?
Ha! Reading Toni Morrison books make me feel like I have no right to pick up a pen at all! But of my own books, I have an unpublished one called Spheres which is breaking me as we speak!

Are you one of those authors for whom music is EVERYTHING and without it you’d never write?
I need ABSOLUTE SILENCE when I write – however, I like and make a lot of musical noise otherwise – I recently found out that verbal stimming is a thing for ADHD’ers so this makes a lot of sense and it definitely makes you look less bonkers if you have a dog to make noises at/with.

Is your desk/writing space tidy or messy?
Absolute CHAOS.

Are you an introvert or extrovert? Or something else…?
Extrinvert? My happy place is among lots of people, even to the point of being in a mosh pit squashed up amongst hundreds of strangers – but equally and oppositely, I love my own space and silence.

The literary world moves fast, but what’s the one thing that never changes?
My procrastination.

What is your advice to authors just starting out?
Don’t listen to advice 😀 haha – I always felt like a failure because the biggest ‘advice’ I kept being given was, READ READ READ! When reading for me is quite a painfully slow process. I read at night for pleasure and it takes me months to finish a book unless I’m editing or proofreading. I very recently learned that this is very common among the neurodivergent crew – especially people who want to be writers but then feel ‘unqualified’ because they think they ‘haven’t read enough’ – if you write – you are a writer!

Oh, and ALWAYS pay attention to the corrections an editor gives you – look and digest the tracked changes and see every single red line as an opportunity to learn and improve. I can’t love my editors hard enough – a free education! And take out all the feels and felts. Don’t tell me you felt something – tell me how it felt!

Where is your favourite place to go on holiday?
Oh anywhere there is sea to swim among the fish.

What did you always want to be when you were growing up?
I wanted to be a special effects make-up person, or a fashion designer, but writing was up there too – I think I’d be pleased if I went back and told myself.

Who is your biggest cheerleader?
I dedicate all my books to My A – who never actually reads them but we’ve been lovers for 30 years 😀

BONUS Q. Tell me a secret about one of your books that nobody else knows yet!
I have recently made my first novel into a short film and am currently secretly submitting it to all the short film festivals I can find…

Thank you so much for your time, Tabitha! To keep in touch with her, click here

Click the graphic below to buy tickets for Authors at the Armouries!

Author Interview, Author panel, Talks



Children’s author J A Browne was born in Pudsey and now lives in Calder Valley, aka Brontë Country. She’s a teacher who holds an MA in Creative Writing. Her books deal with mother-daughter relationships and our connection to nature.

Since the phenomenon that was Harry Potter, which inspired a generation to go on reading into adulthood, have children got out of the habit of reading? Come and listen to Jane talk about how to get kids reading in a way that won’t make it seem like work!

Includes Q&A


  • Are you wondering if you might one day write a book?
  • Do you have a bunch of books on your laptop you’re frightened to release?
  • Are you nearly there, but don’t know where to begin?

Greek-British author Anna-Maria Athanasiou wrote completely in secret in the early days. Then she found a publisher and had to reveal just what she’d been up to behind closed doors! Anna-Maria was born in Leeds, now lives in Cyprus, and is an active member of the Global Woman community.

Kylie Kent, the Australian sensation, writes dark romance notably of the Mafia variety and can talk about writing all day. Since first publishing she’s never looked back and will tell you how she writes, and what it takes to get one of those pretty orange #1 bestseller banners.

In her past lives, Adaline Winters was a teacher and criminal intelligence analyst. Now she writes fantasy and PNR and has a growing following eager to lap up her daring tales! A life-altering health crisis saw her make the decision to finally put pen to paper. Has she ever regretted it? Find out!


  • What if you’re so well-known for writing one genre, but want to try another?
  • Do different books require a different set of skills?
  • What are the benefits, and, is variety the spice of life?

Laura Greenwood is the author of paranormal, fantasy, urban fantasy, and contemporary romance. She is one of our most prolific authors and has a mild fascination for Egyptian history (not mild at all). She specialises in quick reads and those are an entire discipline all on their own.

Andie M. Long stretched her writing chops right from the start, and can claim romcom, thrillers and comedic vampires in her repertoire. As Angel Devlin, she publishes steamy romance. Plus, she’s soon to release a folkloric tale called Caging Ella. She’s very well-known for her vampires but is it reader demand that steers her writing, or the desire for creative expression? Find out.

Amanda Richardson is an American living in Yorkshire. We can ask her how that is when we see her! (Or more aptly, after this event!) When she’s not writing one of her bestselling twisty dark romances as herself, she’s writing paranormal romantic tales as K. Easton which feature otherworldly creatures. We can hear all about the distinct differences between the two genres in June.


  • Many authors start writing because of a niggle that won’t quit, perhaps a life experience, or in many cases, to fulfil a lifelong dream. Who/what inspired these writers to get on the crazy train?
  • We’re often inspired by trends, TV shows, people we know, books we’ve read – all sorts of inspirations filter into our work. But what majorly influences writers above all else?

Marie Anne Cope was always interested in the darker side of fiction, particularly in crime and the supernatural, so it was inevitable she would one day write. She’s written dark short stories and supernatural tales, plus one children’s story, The Misfits which tells a powerful story about young people who feel they don’t fit in.

American author Kris Butler never expected to write a book and was surprised when an author friend encouraged her to give it a try and see how much she enjoyed it. Being passionate about mental health, Kris hopes to normalize mental health issues and the importance of talking about them with her characters and books. Kris is an avid fan of Reverse Harem and hopes to add a quirky and new perspective to the emerging genre.

Rachel Dove is a West Yorkshire lass through and through; a teacher, holder of an MA in Creative Writing and a passionate autism awareness advocate. She only discovered she is neurodivergent at age 41 and is ADHD and proud. She loves to write romantic fiction, both romcom and harder-hitting women’s fiction, for which she takes the research very seriously. She writes prolifically for the Mills and Boon Medical Line and has recently published with Boldwood Books.

To ask a question of one of our authors, click here: Google Form

Author Blog, Author Interview, Dark Romance, Reverse Harem

Interview with Arabella Black

As we gear up for this amazing event, I’ll be bringing you author interviews so you can get to know the attending authors in more detail! There are lots and lots of authors for you to discover, not to mention, hundreds if not thousands of books! Why not grab a cuppa and sit back and relax! All while hearing more about our writers and their writing lives, inspirations – and maybe even a secret or two!

What is the first thing people should know about you?
I’m obsessed with 90s power ballads. When I’m feeling down, they cheer me up! And I’m not even that romantic of a person (says the romance author!).

Tell me which genre or trope you are most well-known for writing.
Reverse Harem standalones. I love age gaps. Most of my books have an age gap. I also write unsafe scenarios where my heroes like to involve other people in their relationships/situationships.

What is one thing people don’t know about you?
When I was younger, I used to write very taboo books on Wattpad and got banned. It almost made me quit writing!

Name a book you’ve written that you wish more people had read, and why.
Obsessed! It’s the third book in my debut series. This book came to me so naturally. I’m not sure it’s my best book, most likely because there was more passion than logic behind it. But anyone who has read my debut series ought to read Obsessed. Aris and Valentina’s story is not what it seems. They broke my heart. They’ll always own my heart.

What is your favourite book (not your own), and why?
Degradation by Stylo Fantôme and Monster in His Eyes by J. M. Darhower. I read these books every year. Their heroes, male and female, move me. One is kinky and super sexy. The other is broody, possessive. I love toxic stuff. Feel free to judge me LOL.

Was there a book you wrote that broke you and made you feel like you’d never write again?
Every book I write does that to me! That last part of a book breaks me every time.

Are you one of those authors for whom music is EVERYTHING and without it you’d never write?
Music is everything to me, BUT I don’t like to connect the two crafts much these days. I curated a thorough playlist for my last book and believed that it would help me write it. I wrote a nice percentage of my book to this music, but in the end, I let the quiet back in and finished the book. It was hard to finish it, so now, I’ve decided not to write to music for the foreseeable future! Maybe that’ll change in the future.

Is your desk/writing space tidy or messy?
It’s somewhere in the middle! I want to keep a tidy space because it makes me happy to work in a tidy space, but I’ve also just moved. Or is that just an excuse… LOL

Who or what inspires you as a writer?
Anything and everything I come across in my life. Also, other books. Both of my degrees are literature-related, and I believe there is no better way to find inspiration, motivation, than to read great works. Something else that inspires me are the hard-working women in this industry. I’m a recluse, but when I read their posts, I know that great things are possible.

Are you an introvert or extrovert? Or something else…?
I’m an ambivert? It depends on the situation for me. I can be the shiest in the room, but there are also times where I shine without a worry!

The literary world moves fast, but what’s the one thing that never changes?
The drama, honey. Always the drama!

What is your advice to authors just starting out?
Just do it. I wish somebody had told me to just do it when I was starting out in college. I didn’t think becoming an author was viable back then! You live and you learn.

Where is your favourite place to go on holiday?
I love the South of France (and Monaco), but as a Greek girl, I’ll say the Peloponnese and Lefkada. I don’t even enjoy the beach much. I never swim. I just sit by the water and read!

If you could live inside any fictional world, where would that be?
In a world where I’d meet my Jameson Kane!!! I don’t care about wizards or whatever. I just want to be the Tatum to somebody’s Jameson Kane! I love Stylo Fantôme.

Your favourite place to read and/or write?
I love to read in bed. At home, I only read in bed. I’m also rediscovering writing in bed?! I used to do that when I was younger. I read when I go to bed, and I write when I wake up. It gives me a great push to start off my day like that. But I also love writing at my office.

When you’re as old as Gandalf the Grey, how many books do you think you might have written?
Hopefully over a hundred books!

Who is the most famous person you’ve ever met?
Eddie Redmayne! Funny story. I was in London with my family, and I’d snuck away to check out a place that was selling DVDs. This happened near Covent Garden. I cross the street, and I see a guy talking to a woman about his haircut. I recognized him as an actor that I knew from the My Week With Marilyn movie. But this was before he got his big break. So, I didn’t know his name. I never spoke to him (because shame on me for not knowing his name LOL), but I always think back to that moment whenever I see his movies these days. (There’s even a tweet about this day & him getting a haircut. It’s my proof!)

What did you always want to be when you were growing up?
I wanted to become an architect, but I’m horrible with numbers.

If writing is your full-time job, have you ever been told to get a “proper job”?
It’s not my full-time job yet, but I still get this sentence thrown at me. It’s very triggering, to say the least! It makes you feel like you don’t do enough. It invalidates your efforts. People say that to authors these days because they don’t understand our current circumstances, the privileges that come with social media. I feel like anybody who works with the internet must get this sentence.

Thank you so much for your time, love! To find out more about the author click here

If you want to meet Arabella amongst others, click the graphic below! Authors at the Armouries is about inspiration for all!

Author Blog, Author Interview, Contemporary Romance, Steamy Romance

Interview with Katie Jane Newman

As we gear up for this amazing event, I’ll be bringing you author interviews so you can get to know the attending authors in more detail! There are lots and lots of authors for you to discover, not to mention, hundreds if not thousands of books! Why not grab a cuppa and sit back and relax! All while hearing more about our writers and their writing lives, inspirations – and maybe even a secret or two!

What is the first thing people should know about you?
I’m really nosy, and I have a knack of getting things out of people without them realising, so be warned, if you tell me anything, it’ll probably end up in one of my books!

Tell me which genre or trope you are most well-known for writing.
Romance – contemporary and erotic.

What is one thing people don’t know about you?
I have a great memory for useless facts! I can even remember the phone number and car reg of the boy I had a crush on when I was 14!  I think that may just make me weird though!

Name a book you’ve written that you wish more people had read, and why.
Ghosts of Summers Past because I used my actual teenage diaries to write it, so it’s a personal labour of love! Plus, the leading man is hot, brooding and looks amazing without his shirt on!!!!!

What is your favourite book (not your own), and why?
Rivals, Jilly Cooper. I love it! It’s the sequel to Riders but sooooooo much better!

Was there a book you wrote that broke you and made you feel like you’d never write again?
Imposter syndrome during the writing of Broken Ballads literally froze the words in my brain and I couldn’t get them out. I didn’t write for months and months and months. It felt like I had lost the part of me that makes me me. Then one day, I pulled up my big girl pants, straightened my crown and finished it. Then cried. And then I got a little drunk … (ok, a lot drunk!)

Are you one of those authors for whom music is EVERYTHING and without it you’d never write?
Sometimes. Sometimes I like everything completely silent and then others, I have to have the loudest cheesiest 80s rock music and the words come flying out!

Is your desk/writing space tidy or messy?
Always messy! I try to be tidy but… I never manage it. Although, I sit by the window looking out at the world and the window sill is always tidy, with plants and a candle. I’m Jekyll and Hyde of work spaces!!!

Who or what inspires you as a writer?
I find inspiration everywhere. Throwaway comments, conversations, someone walking down the street, a newspaper headline – life is the biggest inspiration.

Are you an introvert or extrovert? Or something else…?
I love my own space and the rare days at home alone are bliss, but I also love too many cocktails out with the girls. Since Covid I think I’ve lost the extroverted side of me, but I’m practising on getting that back!

The literary world moves fast, but what’s the one thing that never changes?
The solidarity amongst indie writers.

What is your advice to authors just starting out?
Just write. The first draft will never be perfect but the last draft will be.

Where is your favourite place to go on holiday?
I’m a nomad at heart and the best holidays have been the ones where we’ve hired a motorhome and travelled around.

If you could live inside any fictional world, where would that be?
Forks, Sunnydale or Mystic Falls – I am an embarrassing vampire groupie! My kids despair – or Asgard, because – Thor!!!!

Your favourite place to read and/or write?
I love writing in the downstairs window, looking out at the big green space opposite my house and watching the world go by, otherwise coffee shops because I get so much inspiration from the people who come and go. 

When you’re as old as Gandalf the Grey, how many books do you think you might have written?
After a stressful few months I feel as old as Gandalf the Grey, so…. 9!

Who is the most famous person you’ve ever met?
I had a phase of meeting famous people everywhere I turned but I guess the most famous are Robbie Williams, Antonio Banderas and Melanie Griffiths. 

What did you always want to be when you were growing up?
A writer! Or a pop star but the record deal hasn’t made it my way yet, much to everyone’s relief.

If writing is your full-time job, have you ever been told to get a “proper job”?
No! Everyone I meet, or know, think it’s cool!

Who is your biggest cheerleader?
I have a few! Austin, my sister in law Beth, my Mum, my mother in law and my besties… I’m lucky like that, they all big me up!

BONUS Q. Tell me a secret about one of your books that nobody else knows yet!
I’m too much of an open book!!! Although, if you haven’t read any of my books yet, then there is a scene in Red that was inspired by Christian Bale in the rubber bat suit!

Thank you so much for your time, Katie! To keep in touch, visit….


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If you want to meet Katie amongst others, click the graphic below! Authors at the Armouries is about inspiration for all!

Action thriller, Author Blog, Author Interview, Suspense thrillers

Interview with Steven Moore

As we gear up for this amazing event, I’ll be bringing you author interviews so you can get to know the attending authors in more detail! There are lots and lots of authors for you to discover, not to mention, hundreds if not thousands of books! Why not grab a cuppa and sit back and relax! All while hearing more about our writers and their writing lives, inspirations – and maybe even a secret or two!

What is the first thing people should know about you?
I’m super shy, which means I can often look a little grumpy and aloof, but I’m really not. Honestly, I’m very nice… please come and say hello.

Tell me which genre or trope you are most well-known for writing.
Definitely international action thrillers set in fascinating, exotic locations. 

What is one thing people don’t know about you?
I’ve lived abroad almost all my adult life, except 3 years at university in my 30s. I only moved back to the UK in 2022 after living all around the world since my early 20s.

Name a book you’ve written that you wish more people had read, and why.
I Have Lived Today. It was my debut novel and it’s a literary coming of age adventure. I only wrote it as a challenge, having never written before. I’ve never stopped writing since.

What is your favourite book (not your own), and why?
The Book of Human Skin by Michelle Lovric. Absolutely amazing historical fiction storytelling, and the best cast of characters I’ve ever read. Oh, and the most evil villain ever created.

Was there a book you wrote that broke you and made you feel like you’d never write again?
Um, almost all of them. No, Of Curses and Kings was a real struggle. I found being creative during the pandemic very challenging.

Are you one of those authors for whom music is EVERYTHING and without it you’d never write?
No, not exactly, but I like to feature music in my stories. When I’m plotting I do like to have some background music on… usually hard rock or grunge.

Is your desk/writing space tidy or messy?
Pretty tidy and organised… unlike the rest of my life. When it comes to writing, I am definitely OCD.

Who or what inspires you as a writer?
My own experiences and travels have helped shape my writing, namely the people I’ve met and locations I’ve visited. Also my university studies have played an important role.

Are you an introvert or extrovert? Or something else…?
I am 100% an introvert… I try to hide it, but I am definitely not an extrovert.

The literary world moves fast, but what’s the one thing that never changes?
People will always love to read, me included. Nothing better than a good book.

What is your advice to authors just starting out?
Write as if no one is reading, because they probably won’t. And remember, as Hemingway said, ‘The first draft of everything is shit.’ Meaning, don’t overthink it… finished is better than perfect!

Where is your favourite place to go on holiday?
Until recently, it was the UK, since I’ve always lived abroad. Now? I’ll travel anywhere, but I have a special penchant for the exotic and slightly edgy.

If you could live inside any fictional world, where would that be?
Probably Lord of the Rings/Middle Earth. I wouldn’t last five minutes, but it’d be fun to explore.

Your favourite place to read and/or write?
Poolside or a beach for reading. For writing? If it’s a first draft or brainstorming, I’m partial to a pub. If it’s serious, nowhere but my desk.

When you’re as old as Gandalf the Grey, how many books do you think you might have written?
I am, and the answer is almost thirty.

Who is the most famous person you’ve ever met?
True story… I once snogged Pamela Anderson at Dennis Rodman’s 40th birthday party. I was working at a bar in LA and she liked my ‘cute’ British accent.

What did you always want to be when you were growing up?
Professional football player or an archaeologist. I played semi-pro football and have a degree in archaeology, so not a bad effort.

If writing is your full-time job, have you ever been told to get a “proper job”?
No, not really. My ‘proper job’ is editing, so I’ll take it.

Who is your biggest cheerleader?
The missus. She’s a writer too, so we ‘get’ each other.

BONUS Q. Tell me a secret about one of your books that nobody else knows yet!
Most of the characters I’ve killed are based on someone I’ve met and, let’s say, I haven’t liked very much.

Thank you so much for your time, Steve! To connect with the author, visit…

Steven Moore’s Author Website


If you want to meet Steve amongst others, click the graphic below! Authors at the Armouries is about inspiration for all!

Author Blog, Author Interview, Dark Romance

Interview with Lainey Delaroque

As we gear up for this amazing event, I’ll be bringing you author interviews so you can get to know the attending authors in more detail! There are lots and lots of authors for you to discover, not to mention, hundreds if not thousands of books! Why not grab a cuppa and sit back and relax! All while hearing more about our writers and their writing lives, inspirations – and maybe even a secret or two!

What is the first thing people should know about you?
I’m a daydreamer in love with stories. I’m never bored and always on the lookout for new things to learn or read about. When I’m not writing, I’m reading, watching, or gaming, because there are too many great stories in the world and too little time.

Tell me which genre or trope you are most well-known for writing.
I write dark romance with badass, fearless FMCs. Think danger, organised crime, gangs, sex clubs and kink, but also found family, would-die-for-you characters and overcoming trauma.

Name a book you’ve written that you wish more people had read, and why.
Dark Ink (Dark Things #2), because it’s a personal story that weaves folklore and action together in a contemporary setting. It has a teenager who grew up in a cult discovering our world for the first time. I enjoyed writing it a lot and I think it has a lot of elements that readers love, together with some really intense action and romance. And it’s a standalone story so the series can be read out of order!

What is your favourite book (not your own), and why?
My favourite book is The Little Prince. I often stumble through life with no clue whatsoever if I’m doing okay or not, and when the stress gets too much, I just re-read it and everything is a bit better. My favourite quote is “It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.” Maybe that’s why I’m a romance author!!

Is your desk/writing space tidy or messy?
I wish I had a tidy desk! But I don’t have a tidy mind, so it’s an unreasonable expectation for my author surface to be anything but a manifestation of my inner world. I always have at least three plots fighting for attention in my head, and twenty-odd characters talking at once, so it’s no surprise there’s notebooks, pens and food scattered in front of me on a normal day.

Who or what inspires you as a writer?
Readers and other writers inspire me the most. I love stories, and the people who create and consume them are like little libraries – there’s always a recommendation on the tip of their tongues and they’re always excited to talk about made-up worlds. There’s no better inspiration than the shared love of fictional events and characters!

Are you an introvert or extrovert? Or something else…?
An introvert – but I love talking to people one on one. I struggle with big groups but once I have a person I can really connect to, you can’t shut me up!

The literary world moves fast, but what’s the one thing that never changes?
People’s love for stories – the formats and authors might change, but storytelling will always be there. It’s an intrinsic part of our culture and in many ways reading and writing is how we process the world.

What is your advice to authors just starting out?
Lower your expectations. Whatever they are, lower them. Hold off on publishing that first book and try to research your market and build a community around you if you can. Take it one step at a time because being a writer isn’t just about writing – and it can easily become overwhelming. Even if it feels like you don’t have time and you must grind yourself to the bone setting everything up and publishing ten books a year, it’s not true. You can take it slower, especially in the beginning. You will always have time to speed up later if you want after you have all the basics in place.

If you could live inside any fictional world, where would that be?
The world of Avatar: The Last Airbender, but only if I had bending powers. Or the world of Teyvat, but only if I had a Vision. Or in the Grishaverse, but only if I was Grisha. You get the idea, I crave elemental power!!

When you’re as old as Gandalf the Grey, how many books do you think you might have written?
If I manage to keep up my pace of three books per year, and we assume Gandalf is 24,000 years old (according to Google), then that’s 92,000 books. Not bad! But realistically, it would be nice if I reach a hundred before I go. It’s a nice, round number.

What did you always want to be when you were growing up?
I wanted to be a librarian – I would line up all my books and number them, and also create fake library records that I filled out diligently. I was very stern when one of my fictional visitors returned a book late and always fined them harshly! Around the same time, I started writing poetry but for some reason never thought I wanted to be an author, in my head, I was already a writer – for me, it’s never been a career or a job, it’s a calling, a vocation, and a craft.

Who is your biggest cheerleader?
My parents and my personal assistant. They support me in very different ways, but have always had my back when I was doubting myself or my writing. I know I’m very lucky to have a supportive family and to have found a PA who genuinely loves my books – and I’m thankful every day for both!

Keep in touch with Lainey:






Facebook page:

Reader’s group: Lainey’s Lavender Readers Gang (



Author Blog, Author Interview, Billionaire Romance, MM Romance

Interview with Kristian Parker

As we gear up for this amazing event, I’ll be bringing you author interviews so you can get to know the attending authors in more detail! There are lots and lots of authors for you to discover, not to mention, hundreds if not thousands of books! Why not grab a cuppa and sit back and relax! All while hearing more about our writers and their writing lives, inspirations – and maybe even a secret or two!

What is the first thing people should know about you?
That any stories they tell me will be stored and may be used in a future M/M romance novel.

Tell me which genre or trope you are most well-known for writing.
I write M/M romance. Other than that, I like a variety. Currently I am working on a billionaires series called Queens Crescent. Set in one of London’s most exclusive postcodes, this street has Formula One drivers, minor royals, PR gurus and ex-pop stars all looking for love and finding it in unusual places.

This year also sees the release of my Two Tribes trilogy. Set in the murky underworld of gangs in Manchester, a vicious turf war breaks out. Liam Moseley and his brother, Shaun, find themselves caught up in ways they never would have imagined. It would be a really stupid time to fall in love, right?

Name a book you’ve written that you wish more people had read, and why.
I wrote a nice little summer romance story called Sun, Sea and Spotted Squid for a collection. I really loved writing that one. Not least because we were in the midst of a lockdown and it felt nice to spend time in Spain, even if it was in my head. While I was working on this story, I knew I wanted to throw myself down the M/M rabbit hole with wild abandon. So reader, I did.

What is your favourite book (not your own), and why?
In M/M romance I have so many – Fang’d by Vin George, Two Tribes by Fearne Hill and Charles by Con Riley were recent favourites.

In non M/M romance – I love all sorts. Classics like the Brontes, George Eliot or Elizabeth Gaskell. Modern writers like David Mitchell, Jasper Fforde or Tracy Chevalier are all must reads too.

Is your desk/writing space tidy or messy?
I like to think of it as organised chaos. Every two weeks or so, I have a blitz. Yet stuff just creeps on back in. I’m redesigning my study this year so maybe, just maybe, I’ll get better.

Are you an introvert or extrovert? Or something else…?
I’m an extroverted introvert. That’s to say when I’m out and about, I’m fairly confident. I do like my own company too. That’s how I get all the writing done.

The literary world moves fast, but what’s the one thing that never changes?
Strong characters. I love inventing people, it’s such a fun thing to do. Writing m/m romance has allowed my imagination to go into all sorts of worlds. I like to write flawed characters who give me all sorts of challenges.

What is your advice to authors just starting out?
Be prepared to work hard. Writing isn’t just putting pen to paper. There are all sorts of challenges that you have to roll your sleeves up and tackle. Social media, promo, networking, reading as a writer. The list is endless.

If you could live inside any fictional world, where would that be?
The Star Wars universe. I am the biggest Star Wars nerd. My favourite character is C-3P0, I’d probably be sat with him panicking while war raged around us!

Your favourite place to read and/or write?
In bed all cosy for both. I do have a study and go in there a lot. However, if I’m doing a first draft I like maximum comfort haha.

What did you always want to be when you were growing up?
An author, always. But life got in the way for a while. I got here in the end. Better late than never.

BONUS Q. Tell me a secret about one of your books that nobody else knows yet!
They are all connected in some way or other. Yup there is the odd easter egg in there. No one will notice it but amuses me!

Thank you so much for your time, Kristian!

To keep in touch, you can find him in all the usual places:

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Author Blog, Author Interview, Paranormal

Interview with L.W. Rogers

As we gear up for this amazing event, I’ll be bringing you author interviews so you can get to know the attending authors in more detail! There are lots and lots of authors for you to discover, not to mention, hundreds if not thousands of books! Why not grab a cuppa and sit back and relax! All while hearing more about our writers and their writing lives, inspirations – and maybe even a secret or two!

What is the first thing people should know about you?
Inwardly I love anything dark and twisty but on the outside I’m all pink and fluffy, lol.

Tell me which genre or trope you are most well-known for writing.
Supernatural. Vamps and witches are my fave.

What is one thing people don’t know about you?
I’m scared of sunflowers. Like seriously, they freak me out. They’re Satan’s flowers in my eyes.

Name a book you’ve written that you wish more people had read, and why.
None yet as only had one published, but I have lots of stories in the works.

Was there a book you wrote that broke you and made you feel like you’d never write again?
Yes. My first one that I began writing whilst training as a midwife. That book is still in ‘the works/editing’ stage 10 years on.

Are you one of those authors for whom music is EVERYTHING and without it you’d never write?
Yes music plays a huge role in my writing. I can get a story just from listening to a song or seeing the title. Love listening to my rock music whilst writing.

Is your desk/writing space tidy or messy?
It may start off tidy and then end up a mess. I tend to write anywhere to be fair.

Are you an introvert or extrovert? Or something else…?
Bit of both, although the older I’ve got I tend to be a bit more extrovert.

The literary world moves fast, but what’s the one thing that never changes?
People’s thirst for books.

What is your advice to authors just starting out?
Keep going, even if you think what you have written is a load of crap. Somewhere amongst that could be a bestseller. Believe in yourself.

Where is your favourite place to go on holiday?
I love New England. The history is amazing. Salem is the best.

If you could live inside any fictional world, where would that be?
Can I hop into several? Buffy…love me some Buffs, then Vampire Diaries, oooo and definitely Sabrina (the dark and twisty version of course).

Your favourite place to read and/or write?
Anywhere surrounded by trees.

When you’re as old as Gandalf the Grey, how many books do you think you might have written?
I’d hope at least ten.

What did you always want to be when you were growing up?
A writer. Since the age of eight it’s the only thing I’ve wanted to be.

Who is your biggest cheerleader?
My parents, hubby and kids and my co-writer

BONUS QUESTION: Tell me a secret about one of your books that nobody else knows yet!
Cadence’s real mum is actually still alive 😜

Thank you so much for your time, Laura!

If you want to meet Laura amongst others, click the graphic below! Authors at the Armouries is about inspiration for all!

Author Blog, Author Interview, Contemporary Romance, medical romance

Interview with Rachel Dove

As we gear up for this amazing event, I’ll be bringing you author interviews so you can get to know the attending authors in more detail! There are lots and lots of authors for you to discover, not to mention, hundreds if not thousands of books! Why not grab a cuppa and sit back and relax! All while hearing more about our writers and their writing lives, inspirations – and maybe even a secret or two!

What is the first thing people should know about you?
I am obsessed with all things romance, and books!

Tell me which genre or trope you are most well-known for writing.
I write for the Mills & Boon medical line, and romantic comedy and commercial women’s fiction for Harper Collins and Boldwood Books.

What is one thing people don’t know about you?
I am neurodivergent, and only discovered this at the age of 41. ADHD and proud!

Name a book you’ve written that you wish more people had read, and why.
The Long Walk Back – it’s the book of my heart, and it never got the readers I felt it deserved. The book would make a great movie one day.

What is your favourite book (not your own), and why?
The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins. I love the world building, the sadness and the hope and defiance in Katniss Everdeen. I love it so much, the whole series.

Was there a book you wrote that broke you and made you feel like you’d never write again?
Someone Like You, I needed to decompress after writing it. It has domestic violence and the research and delving into the character really made me think about how vulnerable us females can be at the hands of men. Love is dangerous for women sometimes, and it shouldn’t be.

Are you one of those authors for whom music is EVERYTHING and without it you’d never write?
Yes! I love to write with headphones on, and songs have been known to spark scenes. I definitely think that having the right mood music when writing a scene is crucial. I am not a person who is able to write in silence.

Is your desk/writing space tidy or messy?
Depends on what stage of the book I am at. I am not the tidiest desk person, but very clean around the house! I am a note scribbler, and often print things out or leave reminders for myself so when on deadline my desk space is busy.

Who or what inspires you as a writer?
The way the book can transport you. A good romance can take you anywhere, make you be anyone, and I love a good hero to sink my teeth into. Growing up, I devoured books and always wanted to have my work out there on the shelves. It drives me to keep writing about life, relationships, and family and love.

Are you an introvert or extrovert? Or something else…?
My ADHD makes me a bit of both! I love my home comforts, but also love to be out with friends and go to concerts, movies, etc. It depends on how burnt out I am I think. Sometimes I just love to be quiet at home, loving my own company. Reading, writing, getting crafty and going for long walks with my rescue dog. Other times, I feel caged in and want to be out there, in the thick of life.

The literary world moves fast, but what’s the one thing that never changes?
The readers – their tastes may change, but the passion and love is always present. Us writers wouldn’t be anywhere without them. I for one love to shout out about a great book, and get others to read it.

What is your advice to authors just starting out?
It only takes one yes. Research the market you want to write for, read voraciously. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t do it. Just go for it anyway!

Where is your favourite place to go on holiday?
I love Spain, and the UK is pretty special too. I do love where I live. I hope to travel further afield when my teenagers fly the coop!

If you could live inside any fictional world, where would that be?
Bridgerton I think, although I would make a terrible impression. I am too opinionated and feisty. I would love to see that era first hand, but it was a problematic time for race and class, and women especially. I am glad we have moved on from those times.  

Your favourite place to read and/or write?
In bed! I like to be comfy, although I do love writing in coffee shops. They have great snacks and I really enjoy people watching, and coffee of course.

When you’re as old as Gandalf the Grey, how many books do you think you might have written?
I want to have written 50 at least. 100 would be a great target. I have number 20 out this year in my 10th year as an author, so I still have time to smash those targets.

Who is the most famous person you’ve ever met?
Oooo interesting. I brushed elbows with James Patterson once, and have met Harlan Coben. He’s a true gentleman, and a very happy friendly guy!

What did you always want to be when you were growing up?
An author and a teacher. I did both, but I would love to advocate for children with needs too, and their parents – I am training to do just that. As a neurodivergent mum of neurodivergent teens, I know how hard it is to get help from the system and protect their education and mental health.

If writing is your full-time job, have you ever been told to get a “proper job”?
My family and friends are all really supportive, but I have been asked when I will write a ‘proper’ book – as if romance is not one of the biggest and best genres out there! I think working from home and being a mother makes people think you eat biscuits and watch daytime TV all day while folding socks and farting around on a keyboard. The pandemic changed this a lot, as more people working on a hybrid or remote basis. I don’t let it bother me. I work 7 days a week, so I know I graft for my art.

Who is your biggest cheerleader?
My husband, he’s my assistant at the Authors at the Armouries event and he always lets me bounce ideas off him. Every single one of my book heroes has an element of him woven in.

BONUS Q. Tell me a secret about one of your books that nobody else knows yet!
I am writing a book which is a lot darker than my romances as a passion project, it’s totally different from my others and I hope I will find a publisher for it when it’s finished! I haven’t told anyone that yet in case I fall flat on my face, but it’s out there now!

Thank you so much for your time, Rachel! To find out more, connect with her here…

Rachel Dove – Author | Wakefield | Facebook

Rachel Dove 💓📖💋🤓🕊️ (@WriterDove) / Twitter

If you want to meet Rachel, click the graphic below! Authors at the Armouries is about inspiration for all!

Author Blog, Author Interview, Romantic Suspense

Interview with L Summers

As we gear up for this amazing event, I’ll be bringing you author interviews so you can get to know the attending authors in more detail! There are lots and lots of authors for you to discover, not to mention, hundreds if not thousands of books! Why not grab a cuppa and sit back and relax! All while hearing more about our writers and their writing lives, inspirations – and maybe even a secret or two!

What is the first thing people should know about you?
I’m a total newbie to this! This is my first time attending a signing as an actual author and I’m pretty petrified! There’s so many amazing authors at this signing and I’m feeling like a bit of an imposter to be honest!

Tell me which genre or trope you are most well-known for writing.
My debut novel is a second chance romance with a suspenseful twist. Romantic suspense is my favourite trope, and initially when I started writing A Hope For Us the suspenseful element wasn’t there. I knew there was something missing, so went back to the beginning and as an idea formed, I began to add the twist and it all just started falling into place!

What is one thing people don’t know about you?
My maiden name is Summersbee. When I began writing I was working as a TA in a primary school so knew I wanted to keep my author name separate from my ‘Teacher Name’. That’s where L Summers comes from!

Name a book you’ve written that you wish more people had read, and why.
A Hope For Us. It’s my first (and currently only lol) novel and I’m so proud of it. I was never a lover of writing at school, but this story was brewing in my head, and I was so passionate about it, about telling it and doing Ben and Emily’s story justice. There are elements of myself and my family throughout the book – Emily’s cake shop being the main one. I now run my own cake making business, and my dream has always been to own my own little tea shop, so I’m living vicariously through Emily a bit here!

What is your favourite book (not your own), and why?
Wuthering Heights. It’s a classic love story that spans over years and is full of pain, drama, sadness and a love so strong that it sends them crazy.

Are you one of those authors for whom music is EVERYTHING and without it you’d never write?
YES! Music is LIFE! I listen to music all day, pretty much every day as I work, when I’m driving, when I’m walking the dog etc. I’m a huge lover of old skool R n B, garage and hip-hop music, all of which feature in my book. I actually have a playlist at the back of the book which can be played on Spotify which features some of my all-time favourite songs.

Is your desk/writing space tidy or messy?
It’s mostly tidy, but I also do a lot of crafting in my office so it can get a bit chaotic and messy when I have projects on the go!

Who or what inspires you as a writer?
So many authors have inspired me to make the jump and write. Natasha Madison has been a huge inspiration to me. As well as being a friend she has also been an amazing mentor. She has talked me down off the ledge a hundred times and pushed me to keep going when I didn’t think I was good enough. Life also inspires me in a huge way. Life isn’t perfect, it’s messy, complicated and unpredictable, and I want the stories I write to have those realistic elements to them. I want them to be as relatable as they can be.

Are you an introvert or extrovert? Or something else…?
I’d say I’m an introvert, especially since the pandemic hit in 2020. I’m very much happy in my own company, I love being at home and can get stressed when I’m in busy places. Doing the food shop is my worst nightmare! So if you see me looking slightly panicked and overwhelmed at the signing, don’t worry, my lovely assistant and bestie Amo will know how to sort me out!

The literary world moves fast, but what’s the one thing that never changes?
The love of reading. Reading is what led me to writing in the first place.

What is your advice to authors just starting out?
Ooohhh, that’s a tough one. I guess it would just be to stay true to your words, to the story you are building. Everyone will have an opinion, some will like it and some won’t. Just be true to yourself, write what YOU want to write, how you want to write it. And never give up! It took me 3 long years from first putting pen to paper to self- publishing A Hope For Us last year, and every second was worth it to hold that book in my hand for the first time!

Where is your favourite place to go on holiday?
The rest of my family would say Orlando because they all love the fast pace and energy of the place. But I would have to say Greece. It’s such a stunning place, with every Greek island offering something different. Ultimately, I want to go on holiday to relax, take in some sights and enjoy the sun with a cocktail!

If you could live inside any fictional world, where would that be?
It would have to be Kristen Proby’s Boudreaux universe or her Bayou Magic world. They’re both set in New Orleans which is a place that’s on my bucket list to visit. I’m fascinated by the history and magic of the place. The Boudreaux clan are a family I’d love to be a part of or be involved with in some way, but I also adore the spookiness and suspense of the Bayou Magic series, it would be so cool to be a witch like the sisters, all while hunting a serial killer!

Your favourite place to read and/or write?
It depends on my mood. If I need quiet I’ll go to my office, but otherwise it’s in my super comfy cuddle armchair in the living room.

When you’re as old as Gandalf the Grey, how many books do you think you might have written?
Oh hell, I really don’t know! I have 2 in the works for this year, as well as ideas for another 10 books! But honestly, if I can write a handful of books that people enjoy reading, I’ll be over the moon!

Who is the most famous person you’ve ever met?
Prince Charles when I was around 10 years old. He came to one of the universities here in Oxford.

What did you always want to be when you were growing up?
Hahaha, well for many years I wanted to be a professional dancer, I can’t think why that never happened!

If writing is your full-time job, have you ever been told to get a “proper job”?
I actually run my own cake making business which takes up a lot of time, so I don’t get to write as much as I’d like unfortunately.

Who is your biggest cheerleader?
I’m lucky to have a number of friends and family who are always cheering me on.

BONUS Q. Tell me a secret about one of your books that nobody else knows yet!
The logo I designed for Emily’s cake shop in the book is actually the logo I use for my own cake business now!

Thank you so much for your time, Layla! Keep in touch with the author…

If you want to meet Layla amongst others, click the graphic below! Authors at the Armouries is about inspiration for all!