Author Blog, Author Interview, Contemporary Romance, Romantic Suspense, Steamy Romance

Interview with author A. S. Roberts

As we gear up for this amazing event, I’ll be bringing you author interviews so you can get to know the attending authors in more detail! There are lots and lots of authors for you to discover, not to mention, hundreds if not thousands of books! Why not grab a cuppa and sit back and relax! All while hearing more about our writers and their writing lives, inspirations – and maybe even a secret or two!

What is the first thing people should know about you?
I’m a hugger.

Tell me which genre or trope you are most well-known for writing.
Romance: contemporary, sports, rock stars, suspense, BDSM.

What is one thing people don’t know about you?
I can touch my nose with my tongue.

Name a book you’ve written that you wish more people had read, and why.
Undeniable… It finishes my The Fated Series and ties up all the loose ends.

What is your favourite book (not your own), and why?
Driven by Kristy Bromberg… it led me back to Romance as a genre. Whenever I’m in a book funk this is the book I turn to. I was also lucky enough to be chosen to write Deception in this world.

Was there a book you wrote that broke you and made you feel like you’d never write again?
I’m writing it now. Twisted Oath is dark romance. The story has been difficult to write, but the story won’t leave me. I know it needs to be told.

Are you one of those authors for whom music is EVERYTHING and without it you’d never write?
YES! I have a playlist for every book.

Is your desk/writing space tidy or messy?
Both, depending on the day.

Who or what inspires you as a writer?
Life… Every book I write has something in it that I’ve personally lived through or experienced with family or friends. But life requires a happy ending, and this is what I aim to give all of my readers.

Are you an introvert or extrovert? Or something else…?
Extrovert… until I want to be an introvert.

The literary world moves fast, but what’s the one thing that never changes?
Being able to pick up a good book and to lose yourself within its pages.

What is your advice to authors just starting out?
Just write the damn story. You can sort out everything else after that first draft.

Where is your favourite place to go on holiday?

If you could live inside any fictional world, where would that be?
The Driven world.

Your favourite place to read and/or write?
My conservatory.

When you’re as old as Gandalf the Grey, how many books do you think you might have written?

Who is the most famous person you’ve ever met?
E. L. James… Paul McCartney

What did you always want to be when you were growing up?
An author.

If writing is your full-time job, have you ever been told to get a “proper job”?
I have a “proper job” – I work forty hours a week running my own early years business as I’m a pre-school teacher.

Who is your biggest cheerleader?
My husband.

BONUS Q. Tell me a secret about one of your books that nobody else knows yet!
My very popular Default Distraction series will have another story coming out soon.

Thank you so much for your time, Andrea!

To meet Andrea and over 100 other authors at our event, get your tickets now! Click here