Author Blog, Author Interview, Paranormal

Interview with J Thompson

As we gear up for this amazing event, I’ll be bringing you author interviews so you can get to know the attending authors in more detail! There are lots and lots of authors for you to discover, not to mention, hundreds if not thousands of books! Why not grab a cuppa and sit back and relax! All while hearing more about our writers and their writing lives, inspirations – and maybe even a secret or two!

What is the first thing people should know about you?
I am a serial cuddler and have a slight obsession with dinosaurs.

Tell me which genre or trope you are most well-known for writing.
Paranormal romance.

What is one thing people don’t know about you?
I have a new obsession for K/C/Asian dramas and Kpop. I can confirm I am now an Army and a Stay (BTS and Stray kids fan).

Name a book you’ve written that you wish more people had read, and why.
Cupid’s Essence, this book is my version of marmite. You either love or hate it. But I can’t see how you can hate Cupid hehe!

What is your favourite book (not your own), and why?
I have a few favourite books. Gena Showalter’s Darkest Night, Larissa Ione’s Pleasure Unbound and Elizabeth Peters, all of her Amelia Peabody murder mysteries.

Was there a book you wrote that broke you and made you feel like you’d never write again?
I don’t think I’ve written a book that’s made me feel like that, I haven’t found my writing does depend on how my mental health is going. So if I’m struggling at work or home I may not write, but I will craft and that helps me.

Are you one of those authors for whom music is EVERYTHING and without it you’d never write?
Nope, lol definitely not me. I have to have silence when I’m writing as I get distracted very very easily.

Is your desk/writing space tidy or messy?
It’s classed as an organised mess. And sometimes I let it get a state just so I can reorganise it.

Who or what inspires you as a writer?
I’m an 80’s child so everything fantasy inspires me, I grew up on Labyrinth, Willow, The Goonies and so many more. I am also partial to some bloody good scenery as well, it helps to create those worlds in your head.

Are you an introvert or extrovert? Or something else…?
A random combination of both, at signings I’m bubbly and bouncy. But in any other setting I hate crowds and would prefer to stay at home.

The literary world moves fast, but what’s the one thing that never changes?
Our overwhelming love for books and the amazing worlds authors create.

What is your advice to authors just starting out?
Go for it, never let anyone talk you out of it. Follow what’s in your heart.

Where is your favourite place to go on holiday?
Cornwall and South Africa.

If you could live inside any fictional world, where would that be?
It’s kinda mean you are making me pick just one place….

Your favourite place to read and/or write?
Anywhere as long as peeps let me read and don’t ask questions…you know what I mean.

When you’re as old as Gandalf the Grey, how many books do you think you might have written?
Oh I would love to hit 100 books one day…..that’s if I don’t procrastinate the time away.

Who is the most famous person you’ve ever met?
In the book world it has to be Kresley Cole and Lara Adrian. Out of the book world Eric Carlson.

What did you always want to be when you were growing up?
A palaeontologist, that’s right, I wanted to be a dino girl.

If writing is your full-time job, have you ever been told to get a “proper job”?
I wish, no. I currently still work as a dental nurse and write when I’m not at practice. I have been told a few times it’s just a hobby. But I am very lucky to have a supportive bubble around me.

Who is your biggest cheerleader?
My family and friends.

BONUS QUESTION: Tell me a secret about one of your books that nobody else knows yet!
The Dragons Love Too series was originally planned with only 3 books in mind…. There will now most definitely be a minimum of 6.

Thank you so much for your time, Jenn! To find out more:-

Author Blog, Author Interview, Hockey romance

Interview with Emily Bunney

As we gear up for this amazing event, I’ll be bringing you author interviews so you can get to know the attending authors in more detail! There are lots and lots of authors for you to discover, not to mention, hundreds if not thousands of books! Why not grab a cuppa and sit back and relax! All while hearing more about our writers and their writing lives, inspirations – and maybe even a secret or two!

What is the first thing people should know about you?
I’m only a part-time writer. By day I teach infants and try not to roll my eyes when they cry because they can’t find a pencil. But seriously, I love teaching – every day is different and they say things that make me laugh hysterically. For example, a child once asked me that if a cow licks itself, does it taste of beef? I mean only a child could come up with such a perfect question 😊

Tell me which genre or trope you are most well-known for writing.
I’m most well-known for writing ice hockey romance which to a British audience may seem a bit odd, but it’s huge in the US and Canada and I definitely have a growing number of UK based fans. I have a series based around a fictional Seattle team called the Whalers and I have 4 novels and a novella out so far. Hopefully there are more books to come.

What is your favourite book (not your own), and why?
My favourite book is one from my childhood – Danny the Champion of the World by Roald Dahl. I just loved the relationship Danny and his dad had and the adventures they went on. And even though they were doing something illegal (poaching pheasants), you still wanted them to succeed.

Is your desk/writing space tidy or messy?
Hahahaha, it’s tidy and well organised, unlike the rest of my house. I’ve recently moved it from the living room to the spare room so I feel more like an author now.

Are you an introvert or extrovert? Or something else…?
I’m an introverted extrovert! I’m very shy when I first meet people, but once I warm up and trust people, I’m the life and soul.

What is your advice to authors just starting out?
Put your work out there. Whether you start out like I did and just self-publish on Wattpad or you send it to family or friends, get people to read what you’ve written. It’s scary as hell to make yourself so vulnerable but it can lead to the best journey of your life.

Where is your favourite place to go on holiday?
America. I used to live there and I love going back. My bucket list destinations are Route 66, Chicago, Dallas (so I can stalk Tyler Seguin – if you know me you about my small obsession with the Dallas Starts hockey player!) and Seattle. I guess I should visit the city I write about – hahahaha.

Who is the most famous person you’ve ever met?
I met the band Oasis in 1995 when they played a tiny club near where I lived in Connecticut, USA. We managed to get backstage and hung out with the band.

What did you always want to be when you were growing up?
I asked my best friend this, so this is her answer – I always saw her being an author and living in New York. I guess I have one part of that done.

Who is your biggest cheerleader?
I’ve been lucky enough to meet some incredible people on my journey. I’d say my biggest cheerleader is my friend Lana. We met on Instagram and she was the first person to read my in-progress first novel All or Nothing. It’s totally down to Lana that I self-published on Wattpad and submitted to my now publishers 4 Horsemen Publications (I should also give a shout out to Val and Erika who are also my biggest cheerleaders). I would never have done any of this without Lana and she loved one of my characters so much, when it came time to name his heroine, I could only pick one 😊

Thank you so much for your time, Emily! To find out more, visit:

Emily Bunney Amazon Profile    

Bunneys Beauties Facebook Group

Emily Bunney Facebook

Emily Bunney Instagram

Emily Bunney Goodreads

Emily Bunney Twitter

Author Blog, Author Interview, Romantic Suspense

Interview with Tracey Jukes

As we gear up for this amazing event, I’ll be bringing you author interviews so you can get to know the attending authors in more detail! There are lots and lots of authors for you to discover, not to mention, hundreds if not thousands of books! Why not grab a cuppa and sit back and relax! All while hearing more about our writers and their writing lives, inspirations – and maybe even a secret or two!

What is the first thing people should know about you?
I love to wander off when at signings – seeing and talking to folk is me all over. I cannot sit still for very long.

Tell me which genre or trope you are most well-known for writing.
Romantic Suspense, I love stories that have one hell of twist to them.

What is one thing people don’t know about you?
I am absolutely scared senseless of spiders.

Name a book you’ve written that you wish more people had read, and why.
I have only written one so it would have to be Twisted Fate, I loved writing this story.

What is your favourite book (not your own), and why?
Has to be Callie Hart’s Blood and Roses series. She writes amazing dark books with alpha arseholes, just up my street.

Is your desk/writing space tidy or messy?
Semi tidy, not that I seem to write at it lately though.

Who or what inspires you as a writer?
Life in general inspires me. TV and film are big influences and if I just happen to see something play out in reality that I think yes, I could write that into a scene. When I first started to write, Kelly Elliot and Callie Hart were my inspiration authors, I wanted to have stories just like theirs.

Are you an introvert or extrovert? Or something else…?
An introvert through and through. I live in my four walls and going out is a luxury lol. Once out though I am a proper chatterbox you cannot shut me up usually.

The literary world moves fast, but what’s the one thing that never changes?
My love for reading and also writing. I love my characters and the ones I have coming up, they all hold a special place in my heart.

What is your advice to authors just starting out?
Go for it, life is too short not to have a go. Take your time when writing, do not rush it, this is your masterpiece and there is nothing worse than a rushed piece. Enjoy the process and always ask for help from anyone in the community including other authors, we will always be happy to help you.

Where is your favourite place to go on holiday?
Anywhere faraway. 

If you could live inside any fictional world, where would that be?
Oh my there are too many to pick from, it would have to be Pirates of the Caribbean. I mean who wouldn’t want to be alongside Orlando Bloom.

Your favourite place to read and/or write?
Bed and outside when the weather is nice.

Who is the most famous person you’ve ever met?
Mr Simon Cowell, who may I say is very short but a very nice man.

What did you always want to be when you were growing up?
Holiday Rep in Florida. I even went to college and did a travel course.

Who is your biggest cheerleader?
My handsome husband. He is always pushing me and praising me no matter what.

BONUS QUESTION: Tell me a secret about one of your books that nobody else knows yet!
There’s a secret child, and the father is not who you think it is! (Darkest Truths Book Two, Fortitude Memories.)

Thank you so much for your time, Tracey!

Click the graphic below to find out more about our event, Authors at the Armouries 2023.

Author Blog, Author Interview, Reverse Harem, Steamy Romance

Interview with Amanda Richardson

As we gear up for this amazing event, I’ll be bringing you author interviews so you can get to know the attending authors in more detail! There are lots and lots of authors for you to discover, not to mention, hundreds if not thousands of books! Why not grab a cuppa and sit back and relax! All while hearing more about our writers and their writing lives, inspirations – and maybe even a secret or two!

Tell me which genre or trope you are most well-known for writing.
Reverse harem!

What is one thing people don’t know about you?
I’m a Scorpio through and through—loyal to a fault, passionate, and probably a little bit psycho.

Name a book you’ve written that you wish more people had read, and why.
Heathens. I just had so much fun writing it. But that series doesn’t get the love (I think) it deserves.

Is your desk/writing space tidy or messy?
Has to be tidy, otherwise I can’t focus. I’m generally a messy person, but my writing space has to be clean.

Are you an introvert or extrovert? Or something else…?
I’m an introvert. I can socialize but then I need some time to decompress.

What is your advice to authors just starting out?
Just keep writing. Nothing happens unless you have a book in your hand. That’s the only thing you can truly control, too. So just keep writing.

Where is your favourite place to go on holiday?
England, LOL. It’s why we moved here!

Your favourite place to read and/or write?
Bed, at night. I love falling asleep while reading.

What did you always want to be when you were growing up?
A writer.

If writing is your full-time job, have you ever been told to get a “proper job”?
Yes, and I did for five years while I built my writing business up. I just left my day job in April!

Who is your biggest cheerleader?
My husband. He’s just the best, and so supportive. I would not be doing this without him, because he watches the kids and helps around the house. I’m a lucky duck.

Thank you so much for your time, Amanda! To find out more click the pic : –

If you want to meet Amanda amongst others, click the graphic below to be taken to the ticket site! Authors at the Armouries is about inspiration for all!

Author Blog, Author Interview, Billionaire Romance, Steamy Romance

Interview with Tracie Delaney

As we gear up for this amazing event, I’ll be bringing you author interviews so you can get to know the attending authors in more detail! There are lots and lots of authors for you to discover, not to mention, hundreds if not thousands of books! Why not grab a cuppa and sit back and relax! All while hearing more about our writers and their writing lives, inspirations – and maybe even a secret or two!

What is the first thing people should know about you?
I pretend to be an extrovert, but I’m a raging introvert.

Tell me which genre or trope you are most well-known for writing.
Billionaire Romance, although I have jumped around sub-genres a lot. I like to keep it interesting, for me and the reader!

What is one thing people don’t know about you?
I’m a pretty open book. My husband could probably answer this better than me (but I’m not pulling on that thread LOL)

Name a book you’ve written that you wish more people had read, and why.
Winning Ace. This was my first ever book, and some people still say it’s my best. It’s very niche though (Tennis sports romance), and so I struggle to find an audience for it. You can’t see me, but I’m crying LOL

What is your favourite book (not your own), and why?
Tough question. I wouldn’t say I had an overall favourite as there are so many books I love, but when I’m in a book funk, I always return to Lover Awakened by J R Ward. Zsadist is mine!

Was there a book you wrote that broke you and made you feel like you’d never write again?
Yes. Draven. I hate him 😉

Are you one of those authors for whom music is EVERYTHING and without it you’d never write?
No. I need complete silence to write. Just ask my husband!

Is your desk/writing space tidy or messy?
Both. It gets messy and then I have a tidy up, and then it gets messy again.

Who or what inspires you as a writer?
Usually reading other books inspires me.

What is your advice to authors just starting out?
Keep going, don’t give up, but recognize that this is a tough life and resilience is key. Also it might take a while to find your tribe, but once you find them, hold on tight. They are the ones who will pull you through the tough times (because there will be tough times).

Where is your favourite place to go on holiday?

If you could live inside any fictional world, where would that be?
Black Dagger Brotherhood

Your favourite place to read and/or write?
My office

When you’re as old as Gandalf the Grey, how many books do you think you might have written?
It’s not that far off! Over a hundred would be great.

Who is the most famous person you’ve ever met?
The Spice Girls

What did you always want to be when you were growing up?
A vet – and then I discovered I am rubbish at science.

If writing is your full-time job, have you ever been told to get a “proper job”?
Not that exactly, but I get “How’s the writing” all the time. Inside, I’m screaming “You mean work. How is work!” I don’t think those outside the industry understand how difficult and relentless this job is, and how writing is probably 20% of what we do.

Who is your biggest cheerleader?
My husband.

Thank you so much for your time, Tracie!

To find out more about our event Authors at the Armouries click the graphic!

Author Blog, Author Interview, MC Romance, Steamy Romance

Interview with Elizabeth N. Harris

As we gear up for this amazing event, I’ll be bringing you author interviews so you can get to know the attending authors in more detail! There are lots and lots of authors for you to discover, not to mention, hundreds if not thousands of books! Why not grab a cuppa and sit back and relax! All while hearing more about our writers and their writing lives, inspirations – and maybe even a secret or two!

What is the first thing people should know about you?
I’m short! Four foot eleven, purple 1920’s bob haircut, I’m round, and have 16 tattoos and I love 1920’s dress and so accordingly style myself on their clothing! I’m in a wheelchair and keep threatening to buy a Harley Trike which terrorises my kids lol.

Tell me which genre or trope you are most well-known for writing.
MC. I’m the author of Rage MC and Hellfire MC. Although I’m building a world around Rage MC and have just finished the Washington’s series which is based on characters that were in the Rage books.

What is one thing people don’t know about you?
I have severe agoraphobia, so going out is really difficult for me unless it’s a place I’m really familiar with. So signing up for the book signing is a massive step!

Name a book you’ve written that you wish more people had read, and why.
It’s more a series, the Love Beyond Death series is probably some of my best work and yet little known! It’s quite amusing because my MC readers who have read it were, “I didn’t think it would be great but it’s fantastic!” Those comments make me laugh because I honestly do feel it’s some of my strongest and funniest books.

Are you one of those authors for whom music is EVERYTHING and without it you’d never write?
No, but I love listening to music, especially Country, Luke Bryan, Tim McGraw, Brad Paisley, Rascal Flatts etc. But I also like classical and certain musicals like Phantom of the Opera.

Is your desk/writing space tidy or messy?
Tidy, everything has its place!

Who or what inspires you as a writer?
My imagination, I have so many ideas, I feel sometimes, I’ll run out of time before writing them all lol!

Are you an introvert or extrovert? Or something else…?
Both! Doesn’t that sound strange? I am really friendly online and able to talk to anyone. Again, if I’m in a gathering of strangers, I’m able to converse and be sociable. But I love being alone, love the idea of a cabin in the woods or a cottage on the cliffs. I like my own company as much as I like to chat. And I am really private. So I’m a real mixture!

What is your advice to authors just starting out?
When I started, I hit lucky with a popular author stepping in and being my mentor, if not for her I’d have quit a long time ago. In paying this forward I created a page on my website dedicated to helping new authors and I also ran a Supporting Indie Author blog. I interviewed new authors, which I’ve had to stop for the moment, but hope to pick up again in January!

Where is your favourite place to go on holiday?
Isle of Wight. For years Devon reigned supreme but now it’s the Isle of Wight, the kids and grandkids love it there!

Your favourite place to read and/or write?
My middle son Jack just re-decorated my small study. I have Regency-style wallpaper, two walls full of books, a kidney-shaped, old-fashioned Regency desk. The room is beautiful and calming. It has an old-fashioned painting of a ship at sea, Regency lamps and accessories!

What did you always want to be when you were growing up?
A dancer but then I injured my knees and gave up. But I always wrote, I was about eleven when I got the bug and I’ve not stopped since.

If writing is your full-time job, have you ever been told to get a “proper job”?
Oh yes, and I promptly explained all the processes I go through as a writer, editor, proof-reader, marketer, and self-promoter! Even though I do have my own editor, proof-readers and beta readers. I still follow the processes myself.

BONUS QUESTION: Tell me a secret about one of your books that nobody else knows yet!
Phoenix was originally going to end up with Chance! Yup, it’s true, but then Drake popped his head up and the entire series went in a different direction!

Thank you so much for your time, Elizabeth! To find out more visit . . .

If you want to meet Elizabeth amongst others, click the graphic below! Authors at the Armouries is about inspiration for all!

Author Blog, Author Interview, Reverse Harem, Steamy Romance

Interview with Holly Bloom

As we gear up for this amazing event, I’ll be bringing you author interviews so you can get to know the attending authors in more detail! There are lots and lots of authors for you to discover, not to mention, hundreds if not thousands of books! Why not grab a cuppa and sit back and relax! All while hearing more about our writers and their writing lives, inspirations – and maybe even a secret or two!

What is the first thing people should know about you?
I can talk for hours about weird shit like whether aliens are living at the bottom of the sea, and you’d probably think I’m some sort of sex-obsessed serial killer from my internet search history (it’s all for book research, I swear!).

Tell me which genre or trope you are most well-known for writing.
Reverse harem. My books are filled with hot guys, complex characters and gritty twists that’ll leave you wanting to throw your kindle.

What is one thing people don’t know about you?
I used to dabble in illustration and made the covers to the Lapland Underground series myself. Designing and making pretty things is so much fun, and I’d love to do more of it if I get the time.

Was there a book you wrote that broke you and made you feel like you’d never write again?
My current work in progress, Disharmony. It’s the first book in my upcoming ‘Ash and The Basilisks’ series, and this baby just didn’t want to end! Whenever I thought I was getting close, the story kept going. Finishing the first draft made me want to hibernate for a month, but I’m excited to get stuck into edits now and finish it.

Are you one of those authors for whom music is EVERYTHING and without it you’d never write?
Music definitely helps to get my mojo back if I’m struggling to feel inspired. For every book I write, I have a ‘theme song’ to get me in the zone and I blast it out on repeat for hours. Lately, it’s mainly been heavy metal – my neighbours must hate me.

Is your desk/writing space tidy or messy?
Tidy, always! I’m a minimalist and keeping the space clear helps me to focus.

Are you an introvert or extrovert? Or something else…?
I’m an introvert who loves people – weird, right? I’m content with being a hermit most of the time, but I really light up when having a good chat and meeting new people, which is why I’m so excited for the signing!

The literary world moves fast, but what’s the one thing that never changes?
People love to read about love.

What is your advice to authors just starting out?
Keep going. Practise makes perfect. First drafts are nearly (almost!) always trash. The second draft gets a bit better. The third… well, you’re probably gonna hate your book right now, but don’t stop! The whole process is helping you improve as a writer and revisions will take less time the more books you write, so try not to get disheartened.

Where is your favourite place to go on holiday?
Nowhere specific – preferably somewhere away from busy cities with a lot of trees and pretty walks.

If you could live inside any fictional world, where would that be?
The Harry Potter world post the Battle of Hogwarts. Nobody wants to deal with Voldie lurking around corners in Diagon Alley when you’re trying to chill out with a Butterbeer.

Your favourite place to read and/or write?
To read? A cosy armchair piled with blankets and a sweet-smelling candle burning. To write? Alone, with music, in my make-shift office. I struggle to write anywhere else.

Who is the most famous person you’ve ever met?
I met Matthew Lewis in a pub in Leeds once – not too far from the Armouries!

Who is your biggest cheerleader?
When I published my first book, I never dreamed more than a handful of people would read it. My amazing readers inspire me to keep writing and pick me up whenever imposter syndrome kicks in (which it often does). I’ll be forever grateful to them.

BONUS QUESTION: Tell me a secret about one of your books that nobody else knows yet!
A couple of characters from my Lapland Underground series will be making a small guest appearance in ‘Disharmony’ as it’s set in the same universe.

Thank you so much for your time, Holly! To find out more, visit:

If you want to meet Holly amongst others, click the graphic below! Authors at the Armouries is about inspiration for all!