Author Interview, Author panel, Talks



Children’s author J A Browne was born in Pudsey and now lives in Calder Valley, aka Brontë Country. She’s a teacher who holds an MA in Creative Writing. Her books deal with mother-daughter relationships and our connection to nature.

Since the phenomenon that was Harry Potter, which inspired a generation to go on reading into adulthood, have children got out of the habit of reading? Come and listen to Jane talk about how to get kids reading in a way that won’t make it seem like work!

Includes Q&A


  • Are you wondering if you might one day write a book?
  • Do you have a bunch of books on your laptop you’re frightened to release?
  • Are you nearly there, but don’t know where to begin?

Greek-British author Anna-Maria Athanasiou wrote completely in secret in the early days. Then she found a publisher and had to reveal just what she’d been up to behind closed doors! Anna-Maria was born in Leeds, now lives in Cyprus, and is an active member of the Global Woman community.

Kylie Kent, the Australian sensation, writes dark romance notably of the Mafia variety and can talk about writing all day. Since first publishing she’s never looked back and will tell you how she writes, and what it takes to get one of those pretty orange #1 bestseller banners.

In her past lives, Adaline Winters was a teacher and criminal intelligence analyst. Now she writes fantasy and PNR and has a growing following eager to lap up her daring tales! A life-altering health crisis saw her make the decision to finally put pen to paper. Has she ever regretted it? Find out!


  • What if you’re so well-known for writing one genre, but want to try another?
  • Do different books require a different set of skills?
  • What are the benefits, and, is variety the spice of life?

Laura Greenwood is the author of paranormal, fantasy, urban fantasy, and contemporary romance. She is one of our most prolific authors and has a mild fascination for Egyptian history (not mild at all). She specialises in quick reads and those are an entire discipline all on their own.

Andie M. Long stretched her writing chops right from the start, and can claim romcom, thrillers and comedic vampires in her repertoire. As Angel Devlin, she publishes steamy romance. Plus, she’s soon to release a folkloric tale called Caging Ella. She’s very well-known for her vampires but is it reader demand that steers her writing, or the desire for creative expression? Find out.

Amanda Richardson is an American living in Yorkshire. We can ask her how that is when we see her! (Or more aptly, after this event!) When she’s not writing one of her bestselling twisty dark romances as herself, she’s writing paranormal romantic tales as K. Easton which feature otherworldly creatures. We can hear all about the distinct differences between the two genres in June.


  • Many authors start writing because of a niggle that won’t quit, perhaps a life experience, or in many cases, to fulfil a lifelong dream. Who/what inspired these writers to get on the crazy train?
  • We’re often inspired by trends, TV shows, people we know, books we’ve read – all sorts of inspirations filter into our work. But what majorly influences writers above all else?

Marie Anne Cope was always interested in the darker side of fiction, particularly in crime and the supernatural, so it was inevitable she would one day write. She’s written dark short stories and supernatural tales, plus one children’s story, The Misfits which tells a powerful story about young people who feel they don’t fit in.

American author Kris Butler never expected to write a book and was surprised when an author friend encouraged her to give it a try and see how much she enjoyed it. Being passionate about mental health, Kris hopes to normalize mental health issues and the importance of talking about them with her characters and books. Kris is an avid fan of Reverse Harem and hopes to add a quirky and new perspective to the emerging genre.

Rachel Dove is a West Yorkshire lass through and through; a teacher, holder of an MA in Creative Writing and a passionate autism awareness advocate. She only discovered she is neurodivergent at age 41 and is ADHD and proud. She loves to write romantic fiction, both romcom and harder-hitting women’s fiction, for which she takes the research very seriously. She writes prolifically for the Mills and Boon Medical Line and has recently published with Boldwood Books.

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