
Authors at the Armouries was founded by romance author Sarah Michelle Lynch, a writer for whom the written word is everything. With over 50 works to her name and several written under various pen names, Sarah has a ceaseless passion for words, books and the literary community in general.

With a degree in English, Sarah began working life as a media manager overseeing the work of editors and writers at one of the UK’s biggest national news agencies. Becoming a novelist was always in the pipeline but was an ambition unfulfilled until a period of maternity leave gave her the headspace she needed.

Leadership has always been in her bones, however. With a meticulous nature, a raw understanding of the writer’s psyche and a memory for details, it was almost inevitable she would evolve from a novelist, editor and poet to then, events organiser.

Books at Beverley Races was her first literary event, put together in 2021. It was the only UK literary event of its kind to take place in a year when the Covid-19 pandemic was still keeping people mostly confined to their homes.

Authors at the Armouries was so well received at its 2023 inception that Sarah hopes this will continue as an annual event. Sarah’s relentless, boundless passion for bringing readers and authors together in a positive, mutually beneficial way shines through at all of her events.