Author Blog, Author Interview, Steamy Romance

Interview with Ashlee Rose

As we gear up for this amazing event, I’ll be bringing you author interviews so you can get to know the attending authors in more detail! There are lots and lots of authors for you to discover, not to mention, hundreds if not thousands of books! Why not grab a cuppa and sit back and relax! All while hearing more about our writers and their writing lives, inspirations – and maybe even a secret or two!

Tell me which genre or trope you are most well-known for writing.
Spicy contemporary romance.

Name a book you’ve written that you wish more people had read, and why.
Love Always, Peyton. It shows how much the characters grow within the two books. They’re such a beautiful couple and their story is raw and real.

Was there a book you wrote that broke you and made you feel like you’d never write again?
Promise Me. I wrote the book in 30 days, I felt heavy once I finished and as if the weight would never lift. But it did, and it is still to date one of my best sellers.

Are you one of those authors for whom music is EVERYTHING and without it you’d never write?
Yes. Music has always been an important part of my life and music just feels right when I am writing.

Is your desk/writing space tidy or messy?
Tidy… most of the time

Are you an introvert or extrovert? Or something else…?
I’m a bit of both, I love to be home with my family but I do enjoy going out occasionally

What is your advice to authors just starting out?
Go for it. Open your computer or laptop and just write. Listen to your characters and don’t let anything hold you back.

If you could live inside any fictional world, where would that be?
Mystic Falls….

What did you always want to be when you were growing up?
I wanted to be a vet.

Who is your biggest cheerleader?
My husband. Always and forever.

Thank you so much for your time, Ashlee! To explore the author’s library click here

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